Coming soon (I hope).
Speak Your Mind & Shape Your World
My current (wonderful) work includes coordinating an art and literary journal for the high schools in Buffalo. Our fledgling website is slowly taking its wings—as long as our student editors decide to make it their own online adventure.
tattered atlas
With its mixture of mythology, teenage angst/melancholy, and cartographical edge, this blog began as a departure from a blog of the same name that I began in early high school, back when the world was wrought with tension, hormones, and possibility. It (the blog, that is) continues to convey the prose/visual/diary side of my online persona.
Inaugurated during my time in York, England, when I had time to just sit around reading books all day, this other blog is where I (used to? sometime may again?) post reviews, reading updates, and summaries of my exploits as a bibliophile.
Back when I used to consider myself a semi-musical person, I managed to play and absorb melodies in the following configurations:
- Every Gentle Air: An ongoing instrumental jam session that culminated in a second, nine-track album at the end of my high school career. My musical career has been mostly downhill since then, but hey, Gabe Kruis says it's is one of his ten favorite albums of all time.
every gentle air, pt. 2 [Listen] |
- The Winston Jazz Routine: As Emily Dickinson might say, "wild nights, wild nights" were par for the course of our two tours with State Bird. No more tours on the horizon as far as I know, but the wonderful Nathan Phillips continues to make better and better—and quieter and quiter—little tunes. [Listen]
On Tour in Texas, 2007 |
- Perhapsy: I've also had the random honor of occasionally playing with Derek and John, the masterminds behind this mostly instrumental project and two of my oldest pals. I very much enjoy their most recent full-length and hope that they'll manage to press some more hit tracks soon.