


    Washing By Hand


    On my knees,
    I can wring out the dirt
    into a small white basin.

    These garments of mine
    have soaked a long time,
    soaped now fruited,

    rinsed, hung out
    on a thin, white cord
    between the walls

    that hem me in, before
    and behind, stretching out
    from one end of all space

    and time to the other.

    I took a bit of Sunday afternoon to do my laundry. The machines here are ludicrously expensive, and besides the laundry room seems open infrequently, at best, so I decided to invest in a plastic bin in order to wash my clothes. For drying, I strung up a bit of rope or I utilize the extensive radiators and heated piping that runs along the border of my room. It was such a good experience, I think I might try to do away with the use of laundry machines even when I get home. I can simply purchase a washboard from Lehman's or make a more serious investment, such as the Wonder Wash. Great!

    | video: a demonstration of my groundbreaking, state-of-the-art laundry techniques

    1 comment:

    Bonnie said...

    Ryan, I really like your poem about the laundry! I'm really enjoying all that you are writing here. Your descriptions are so good and so meaningful -- you tell your response but are able to weave such description right into the response. I love your style of writing! I read your poetry assignment (the one that wasn't what the prof wanted but he just didn't count it in your final grade). I was amazed at the word pictures and word uses you have there. I must admit you lost me some of the time -- didn't understand some things. But found it inspiring and clever. I can see why your prof did what he did. You definitely put a lot of thought, time, creativity into that! Love you, son!